Advice from the 2018 Graduating Cohort

June 11, 2018

The 2018 Presidential Fellow Cohort

The graduating Presidential Fellows reflect on their experience to provide current and incoming Fellows with an insightful list of lessons learned. Here’s what the 2018 graduating cohort collectively imparted to the current Fellows:

Take good notes and once in a while ( on long flights, for instance) reflect on them.

Think of the immediate future (job/connection/etc) and explore all available opportunities in your placement, at GW, and with alumni that can further your efforts

Eat healthy, sleep plenty, and exercise (in any way that works for you). Prioritize your wellbeing, nothing matters as much as your physical and mental health.

Connect with the alumni - they can be friends and invaluable resources.

Be kind to each other, don’t jump to conclusions, and actively reach out to other Fellows/Advising Team if you need help.

Don’t be too hard on yourself and enjoy learning.

Identify a project or research interest early on and pursue it throughout your 2 years.

Take each other out to lunch/coffee regularly.

Stay informed with world and local news, and branch out of your academic comfort zone (subscribing to journals is a great way, such as The Economist, Scientific American, International Affairs, National Geographic, etc).

Listen and look carefully to what people say and do in meetings. It is important.

Everything takes longer than you think it will.

Try to enjoy every moment, even the stressful ones.