Apply to Become a Host Department
Host Department Overview
Presidential Fellows serve in placements throughout the university that often complement their graduate degree or professional goals. Through their professional placements, fellows have a unique opportunity to make significant contributions to the offices in which they serve. PAF's have served at 30+ various departments and offices, making meaningful contributions to GW's mission and values.
Please consider hosting a Presidential Fellowship placement in your department during the 2025 - 2026 academic year. This is a flexible, affordable staffing solution that aligns with GW's priority around enhancing the student experience and is an opportunity to support key initiatives in the most effective and fiscally efficient way possible.
Host Department Requirements
The university funds the full-time tuition and required fees for the Presidential Fellows’ respective master’s degree and PhD programs, which vary across many schools and departments.
Host departments are responsible for funding from their operating (non-compensation) budgets the Presidential Fellow’s graduate stipend and salary (including fringe). A department can choose to host a fellow for 20 hours a week which totals $35,000 for work during the academic year from mid-August through mid-May. Additionally, departments may host a fellow for only 10 hours a week with a reduced cost of $17,500, while allowing the Fellow to work at two separate placement sites. The host department transfers this funding, which may be split across multiple offices or divisions to support cross-functional and interdisciplinary initiatives, to the Office of Graduate Assistantships and Fellowships at the beginning of the fiscal year.
Additionally, the host department is expected to provide appropriate workspace, equipment, and supplies. There is also the possibility of the academic year placement extending into the summer months (or a summer-only placement to supplement an academic year placement), although this is optional and by mutual agreement of the Presidential Fellow and host department, with compensation for the summer to be determined.
How to Apply
Interested departments are encouraged to fill out the Presidential Fellow Collaboration Interest Form. If you have any questions regarding hosting a fellow please reach out to [email protected].