Dear PAFamily,
In the United States, a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every 3 minutes. President Obama called upon Americans to find an end to cancer in his final State of the Union address. His message carried personal significance to me, as I have both family and friends who have battled against, and lost to, cancer. With the President’s message in mind, this year I accepted the challenge of participating in the AVON 39 Walk to End Breast Cancer. I am proud to join thousands of women and men as we take steps together to help end breast cancer.
The two-day walk consists of a 39.3 mile trek through Washington, D.C. and into Maryland. I will be walking as a part of the DC Solo Strutters, a group of women and men that are not affiliated with an organization or team. It will be a long and challenging weekend, but I know that it is not nearly as challenging as the daily struggles of those impacted by the disease.
I am asking if you will help me fight to end breast cancer. As a walker, I have a personal goal of raising $1,800. I have thus far been amazed by the kindness of others and the support that people have shown. Please consider making a donation to my personal walking page. Your donation to my AVON 39 will support medical research into the possible causes of and cure for breast cancer, early detections programs, and clinical care and support services for women with breast cancer in communities across the country.
If you are not able to make a monetary donation, please consider coming out to cheer on others and myself on April 30-May 1 as we earn our 39!
Please make donations to:
Thank you!