Welcoming the New PAFs with an Introduction to Professional Development

April 28, 2015

New PAFs join current cohorts

New PAFs join the two current cohorts during the April 22nd meeting.

The PAF weekly meeting on Wednesday, April 22nd was larger than usual as the current cohorts were joined by the newest members of the program. Marcus, Zinhle, Alec, Angela, Max, and Katie have accepted the opportunity to join the PAFamily and will begin as PAFs this coming fall.  The transition meeting was therefore the first introduction to the full cohort of current PAFs, and members of the advising team.  It was an exciting time for all to consider the future legacy of the program
At the start the start of the meeting, the room was abuzz with conversation as many were meeting one another for the first time.  In addition to the cohorts getting acquainted, this first meeting was a time to orient the new PAFs to the months ahead.  First year fellow Kelsey Johnston led the group in a professional development exercise on learning agility, or the ability to quickly adapt and learn in a new situation. To highlight the need for agility, the group discussed what is in store in the coming months as the incoming cohort participates in graduation and prepares for the transition to graduate school. This was the first exposure for the new cohort to the PAF professional development curriculum and, judging by their own agility, they will thrive in the curriculum over the next two years. 
All PAF alumni are invited to attend the 25th Anniversary Commencement Reception on Friday, May 15th, 4-6pm in Marvin Center, Room 309, where we will celebrate the graduating PAF class of 2015 and officially welcome the incoming PAF class of 2017.